What Our Partners Are Saying

A Firm Believer!

I was on site to clear the unit through customs which is usually an unpleasant experience in Haiti. And was able to reassemble the machine as per instructions and start up. Running it took some learning but as with all machines they are basically the same. We had already started the training on the Bycrius machine and eventually they worked themselves into a problem. The beauty of the Lifewater drill is it is so much cheaper to operate. They were late getting it going but seem to really like it. It has been running steady for the last two months and have experienced their first break down and were able to diagnosis and repair all on their own.

I am a firm believer that Lifewater cable tool is the cheapest method to get the best production from a formation and this machine is most practical and economical to repair. Thank you, Blessings​

Leslie Babcock


Truly a workhorse!

“The LDT 360 is a workhorse among our fleet of rigs. Its hydraulic controls make the LDT 360 easier to use than my Bucyrus 22W cable tool rig. For shallow wells it’s much more efficient than hauling out my big rotary rig.”

Doug Enloe, President

Enloe Drilling, Nipomo, CA

Truly a workhorse!

“After three days of training on the LDT 360 drill rig, I’m confident this rig will lower drilling costs in my home country of Togo for the majority of drilling applications.”

Aclam Kpekpasse, Registered Geologist

Houston, Texas

The LDT 360 saved the day!

“We drilled our well with the LDT 360 where we couldn’t get a conventional rotary rig into. Everyone doubted we could complete the well in this sandy formation without driving steel casing. But we proved the naysayers wrong by using some bentonite to keep the bore open and completed the well to 165 feet. The LDT 360 saved the day. ”

Andy Goehner

San Luis Obispo, CA

Very easy for the new guy!

“Never having drilled a well before, and with minimal training I drilled my own well to 245 feet with the LDT 360. With the rig’s auto cable feed, most of my drilling time was spent watching the rig do its drilling from my lawn chair.”

Mike Cueto

San Luis Obispo, CA


The US State Department has recognized the LD Rhino (formerly the LDT 360) as an exemplary technology for developing countries. Click here to read more…